[0001 [0356 [0000 Ec[000000]LBf[16]abdominal flapB A fold of skin on a bird's ventral side that is used to warm its young. Ec[000000]f[16]LBaberrantB Not in accordance with type; different from what is normal or typical. Ec[000000]f[16]LBaboralB Opposite the mouth. Ec[000000]f[16]LBacellularB Not considered as cells but as complete organisms. Ec[000000]f[16]LBaerialB Preferring to be airborne. Ec[000000]f[16]LBaffiliationB Association. Ec[000000]f[16]LBaltricialB Designating birds that are hatched immature and helpless. The chicks are confined to the nest for some time after hatching. Ec[000000]f[16]LBalveoliB Small pits or hollows on an organ's surface. Ec[000000]f[16]LBambiguitiesB Uncertainties; things that are unclear. Ec[000000]f[16]LBamnioteB Having a fluid-filled membrane. Ec[000000]f[16]LBancestorB An individual from whom one is descended. Ec[000000]f[16]LBanecdotalB Pertaining to short narratives of amusing, interesting, or biographical incidents. Ec[000000]f[16]LBannelidB A segmented worm. Ec[000000]f[16]LBanteriorB Toward the front. Ec[000000]f[16]LBantidiureticB Working against dehydration. Ec[000000]f[16]LBarbitraryB Not predetermined, but based on choice. Ec[000000]f[16]LBarchetypeB An original from which others may derive. Ec[000000]f[16]LBassemblageB A collection of persons or things. Ec[000000]f[16]LBautonomicB Self-governing or involuntary, as the autonomic nervous system. Ec[000000]f[16]LBautotrophB An organism that manufactures its own food. Ec[000000]f[16]LBavocetB A long-legged shore bird with an upward-curving bill. Ec[000000]f[16]LBbinocular visionB Stereoscopic vision, or vision using two eyes or eyepieces at once. Ec[000000]f[16]LBbinomialB Having two names. Ec[000000]f[16]LBbiochemicalB Pertaining to the chemistry of living organisms. Ec[000000]f[16]LBbivalveB An animal with a shell consisting of two valves hinged together. Ec[000000]f[16]LBblastoporeB An opening into the gastrulan cavity. Ec[000000]f[16]LBblastulationB The formation of a hollow ball of cells. Ec[000000]f[16]LBboisterousB Loud, noisy, or undisciplined. Ec[000000]f[16]LBbotanistB One who studies plant life. Ec[000000]f[16]LBbotanyB The study of plant life. Ec[000000]f[16]LBbrackishB Containing some salt. Ec[000000]f[16]LBbronchiB Tubes that connect the trachea with the lungs. Ec[000000]f[16]LBbuoyancyB The tendency to float in water. Ec[000000]f[16]LBbustardB An Australian game bird. Bustards are stocky birds that run along the ground. Ec[000000]f[16]LBcamouflageB To conceal or disguise; or an appearance that tends to conceal or disguise. Ec[000000]f[16]LBcapillariesB A network of minute blood vessels. Ec[000000]f[16]LBcarrionB Dead, decaying flesh. Ec[000000]f[16]LBcasqueB A fleshy swelling on top of a bird's beak or bill. Ec[000000]f[16]LBcategorizeB To classify, or separate into groups of similar things. Ec[000000]f[16]LBcelluloseB The chief structural material of green plants. Ec[000000]f[16]LBcentrioleB An organelle adjacent to the nucleus. Ec[000000]f[16]LBcephalopodB A mollusc with a well-developed head, such as an octopus or squid. Ec[000000]f[16]LBcerebellumB The fourth division of the brain. It governs muscular coordination. Ec[000000]f[16]LBchemoreceptorB A cell or organ sensitive to chemical change. Ec[000000]f[16]LBchitinB A shell-forming polysaccharide, such as that found in insect exoskeletons. Ec[000000]f[16]LBchitonB An elongated, hard-shelled marine mollusc. Ec[000000]f[16]LBchloroplastB An organelle containing chlorophyll that is found inside a plant cell. Ec[000000]f[16]LBchromosomeB A body in the cell nucleus that contains nucleoproteins. Ec[000000]f[16]LBciliaB Short, hair-like projections. Ec[000000]f[16]LBciliateB Having cilia. Ec[000000]f[16]LBcircumpolarB Pertaining to the area encircling or near the Arctic or Antarctic Circles. Ec[000000]f[16]LBcnidarianB A coelenterate having nematocysts, or stinging devices, on its tentacles. Ec[000000]f[16]LBcoloniesB Collections of organisms living together. Ec[000000]f[16]LBcolorationB A pattern of colors that characterizes a species. Ec[000000]f[16]LBcolumbidB A dove or pigeon. Ec[000000]f[16]LBcommunalB Shared by all members of a community. Ec[000000]f[16]LBcompartmentalizationB Division into separate units or sections. Ec[000000]f[16]LBconeB A retinal cell that makes color vision possible. Ec[000000]f[16]LBconstituentB Component; a part or unit that helps make up a whole. Ec[000000]f[16]LBcontractileB Capable of contracting. Ec[000000]f[16]LBconventionB Custom; standard usage. Ec[000000]f[16]LBconvergent evolutionB The development of similar morphology in different species that occupy the same niche. Ec[000000]f[16]LBcorneaB The transparent anterior covering of the eye. Ec[000000]f[16]LBcoronaB The rounded upper portion of the body. Ec[000000]f[16]LBcountershadedB Having lighter color on the ventral side and darker color on the dorsal side. Ec[000000]f[16]LBcoupletB Two successive lines of poetry. Ec[000000]f[16]LBcourtship displayB A set of behaviors exhibited to entice a mate. Ec[000000]f[16]LBcraniumB The skull. Ec[000000]f[16]LBcrepuscularB Pertaining to, or active during, dusk or dawn. Ec[000000]f[16]LBcriterionB A standard on which a decision can be based. Ec[000000]f[16]LBcropB The pouch in a bird's gullet where digestion begins. Ec[000000]f[16]LBcrossopterygianB An ancient bony fish, probably the ancestor of land animals. Ec[000000]f[16]LBcrustaceanB A gill-breathing arthropod that usually has two pairs of antennae and a hard outer shell. Ec[000000]f[16]LBcrypticB Describes coloration or behavior that is designed to conceal or camouflage an animal. Ec[000000]f[16]LBcullB To select and remove as unsuitable. Ec[000000]f[16]LBcuticleB The outermost epidermic layer. Ec[000000]f[16]LBcyclostomeB Jawless fish; lampreys and hagfish. Ec[000000]f[16]LBcygnetB A young swan. Ec[000000]f[16]LBcytologicalB Relating to the structure and function of cells. Ec[000000]f[16]LBcytoplasmB The protoplasm of a cell. Ec[000000]f[16]LBdeciduous forestB A forest composed mainly of broad-leaved trees that shed regularly. Ec[000000]f[16]LBdecoyB An artificial lure. Ec[000000]f[16]LBdecurvedB Curved downward. Ec[000000]f[16]LBdeduceB To infer from general principle; to reason to a logical conclusion based on known principles or facts. Ec[000000]f[16]LBdeoxygenateB To remove oxygen from. Ec[000000]f[16]LBdichotomousB Divided into two parts. Ec[000000]f[16]LBdioeciousB Having male sexual organs in one individual of a species and female organs in another. Ec[000000]f[16]LBdispersionB Separation or scattering. Ec[000000]f[16]LBdistensibleB Capable of expanding. Ec[000000]f[16]LBdiurnalB Pertaining to, or active during, daylight hours. Ec[000000]f[16]LBdivergentB Differing from each other. Ec[000000]f[16]LBdomesticatedB Living in intimate association with humans. Ec[000000]f[16]LBdorsalB On or pertaining to the back. Ec[000000]f[16]LBdrakeB A male duck. Ec[000000]f[16]LBdynamicB Changing; not remaining constant. Ec[000000]f[16]LBeclipse plumageB Feathers and coloration assumed after the spring molt. Ec[000000]f[16]LBectodermB The outer cellular membrane. Ec[000000]f[16]LBectoparasiteB A parasite that lives on the exterior of its host. Ec[000000]f[16]LBefferentB Conducting away from an organ. Ec[000000]f[16]LBegestB To rid the body of. Ec[000000]f[16]LBelongateB To make or become longer. Ec[000000]f[16]LBendangerB To place at the risk of extinction. Ec[000000]f[16]LBendocrineB Pertaining to any internal gland that secretes fluid or hormones. Ec[000000]f[16]LBendodermB The innermost tissue that arises from a germ layer. Ec[000000]f[16]LBendoplasmic reticulumB The site of protein synthesis inside a cell. Ec[000000]f[16]LBendoskeletonB An internal skeleton. Ec[000000]f[16]LBenteronB The alimentary canal. Ec[000000]f[16]LBepidermisB The outermost protective layer. Ec[000000]f[16]LBepithelialB Pertaining to a thin layer of cells that acts as a covering. Ec[000000]f[16]LBepithetB A name or phrase used to characterize another. Ec[000000]f[16]LBerectileB Capable of being raised to a standing position. Ec[000000]f[16]LBeukaryoticB Composed of one or more cells with visible nuclei. Ec[000000]f[16]LBeumetazoansB Multicellular animals, excluding the sponges. Ec[000000]f[16]LBeversibleB Able to turn inside out. Ec[000000]f[16]LBevolveB To develop gradually from primitive to more advanced. Ec[000000]f[16]LBexcavateB To form a cavity or hole by digging. Ec[000000]f[16]LBexcurrentB A duct in which there is an outgoing flow. Ec[000000]f[16]LBextinctB No longer in existence; having no living descendants. Ec[000000]f[16]LBextrudeB To force or push out. Ec[000000]f[16]LBfacial diskB Flat, circular indentations around the eyes. Ec[000000]f[16]LBfaunaB The animal life of a region. Ec[000000]f[16]LBfilamentB A thin, flexible, thread-like projection. Ec[000000]f[16]LBfilarialB Pertaining to slender, filamentous nematodes. Ec[000000]f[16]LBfissionB The division of cells into two or more parts. Ec[000000]f[16]LBflagellaB Whiplike extensions of a cell. Ec[000000]f[16]LBfledgeB To acquire the feathers needed to fly. Ec[000000]f[16]LBfledglingB A young bird that has recently acquired the feathers necessary for flight. Ec[000000]f[16]LBflushB To chase out of hiding. Ec[000000]f[16]LBforageB Food taken by grazing; or the act of grazing for such food. Ec[000000]f[16]LBforegutB The anterior part of the alimentary canal. Ec[000000]f[16]LBforelimbB An anterior appendage. Ec[000000]f[16]LBfreshwaterB Away from the sea; inland; not salty. Ec[000000]f[16]LBfrugivorousB Fruit-eating. Ec[000000]f[16]LBfusionB Union by melting or merging together. Ec[000000]f[16]LBgallinaceousB Of or like domestic fowl. Ec[000000]f[16]LBgallinuleB An aquatic bird with lobed feet. Ec[000000]f[16]LBgameteB Germ cells; sex cells. Ec[000000]f[16]LBgangliaB Masses of nerve tissue external to the brain or spinal cord. Ec[000000]f[16]LBgastrodermisB The layer of tissue protecting the stomach cavity. Ec[000000]f[16]LBgastrulationB The formation of layers of cells. Ec[000000]f[16]LBgaudyB Very showy, often with clashing colors. Ec[000000]f[16]LBgenealogicB Relating to the descent of an individual. Ec[000000]f[16]LBglandB An organ that secretes a substance. Ec[000000]f[16]LBglochidiumB The larva of freshwater mussels. Ec[000000]f[16]LBgonadB The primary sex gland of an animal. Ec[000000]f[16]LBgregariousB Inclined to gather in groups; sociable. Ec[000000]f[16]LBguanoB The manure of seabirds. Ec[000000]f[16]LBgular pouchesB Expandable throat sacs. Ec[000000]f[16]LBhabitatB The external environment in which an animal makes its home. Ec[000000]f[16]LBharemB A collection of females kept for mating. Ec[000000]f[16]LBhectareB An area of land equal to approximately two and one-half acres. Ec[000000]f[16]LBhemichordateB Having an outgrowth of the pharyngeal wall homologous to a notochord. Ec[000000]f[16]LBherbivorousB Plant-eating. Ec[000000]f[16]LBhermaphroditicB Having both male and female reproductive organs. Ec[000000]f[16]LBheterotrophicallyB Acting as a consumer. Ec[000000]f[16]LBhierarchiesB Groups organized in ranks. Ec[000000]f[16]LBhindbrainB The posterior segment of the brain. Ec[000000]f[16]LBholozoicB Obtaining food by ingesting complex organic matter. Ec[000000]f[16]LBhomoiothermicB Having a more or less constant body temperature. Ec[000000]f[16]LBhomologousB Resembling another in structure and origin. Ec[000000]f[16]LBhypothalamusB The region beneath the thalamus. Ec[000000]f[16]LBhypotheticalB Supposed or assumed, but not proven. Ec[000000]f[16]LBimbedB To bury or enclose in surrounding matter; also embed. Ec[000000]f[16]LBimpactedB Wedged between the jawbone and another tooth. Ec[000000]f[16]LBinaccessibleB Having no easy approach. Ec[000000]f[16]LBinanimateB Not alive. Ec[000000]f[16]LBincubateB To warm and ultimately hatch one's young. Ec[000000]f[16]LBindeterminableB Incapable of being determined with certainty. Ec[000000]f[16]LBingestionB The act of taking in food for digestion. Ec[000000]f[16]LBinorganicB Matter that is not organic; matter other than plant or animal. Ec[000000]f[16]LBinsectivorousB Insect-eating. Ec[000000]f[16]LBinterrelateB To bring two or more things into mutual relation. Ec[000000]f[16]LBinvertebrateB An animal lacking a spinal column. Ec[000000]f[16]LBiridescentB Glittering; covered with brilliant colors that seem to shift when seen from different angles. Ec[000000]f[16]LBjuvenileB Young; immature. Ec[000000]f[16]LBkeratinizeB To be converted to keratin, a stiff, fibrous protein. Ec[000000]f[16]LBlabyrinthodontB A primitive, extinct group of amphibians. Ec[000000]f[16]LBlateralB At or on the side. Ec[000000]f[16]LBlekB An area of land in which the courtship rituals of certain birds take place. Ec[000000]f[16]LBlekkingB The highly ritualized sexual display of certain birds. Ec[000000]f[16]LBlitheB Flexible and graceful. Ec[000000]f[16]LBlocomotionB Independent movement. Ec[000000]f[16]LBlophophorateB Having a horseshoe-shaped organ that supports tentacles. Ec[000000]f[16]LBluminescentB Producing and giving off light. Ec[000000]f[16]LBlysosomeB A rounded organelle thought to prevent the self-digestion of a cell. Ec[000000]f[16]LBmammary glandB A milk-producing gland; breast. Ec[000000]f[16]LBmandibleB The jaw. Ec[000000]f[16]LBmarineB Pertaining to the ocean. Ec[000000]f[16]LBmaritimeB Bordering on the sea. Ec[000000]f[16]LBmarsupialB A fur-bearing animal with a pouchlike structure in which the young develop. Ec[000000]f[16]LBmechanoreceptorB A cell or organ sensitive to contact, pressure, or gravity. Ec[000000]f[16]LBmedulla oblongataB The posterior portion of the brain, formed as a continuation of the spinal cord. Ec[000000]f[16]LBmesencephalonB The middle part of the three main divisions of the brain. Ec[000000]f[16]LBmesenteriesB Peritoneal folds that hold the viscera in place. Ec[000000]f[16]LBmesodermB The layer of cells between the ectoderm and the endoderm. Ec[000000]f[16]LBmesogleaB The intermediate, gelatinous layer found in sponges and coelenterates. Ec[000000]f[16]LBmesozoanB A small, multicellular marine parasite. Ec[000000]f[16]LBmetabolicB Pertaining to the processes that maintain life. Ec[000000]f[16]LBmetamorphosisB A change of form and structure. Ec[000000]f[16]LBmetazoanB An animal whose cells are organized into tissues and coordinated by a nervous system. Ec[000000]f[16]LBmidbrainB The middle division of the brain. Ec[000000]f[16]LBmigratoryB Changing habitats due to changes in the seasons, the food supply, population pressures, etc. Ec[000000]f[16]LBmitochondriaB Long, rodlike organelles in a cell that produce energy through cellular respiration. Ec[000000]f[16]LBmitotic divisionB Replication of DNA during cell division, resulting in new cells with the same number of chromosomes as the parent cell. Ec[000000]f[16]LBmolluscB A large group of mostly marine invertebrates that includes shellfish. Ec[000000]f[16]LBmoltB To periodically shed an outside layer, such as feathers in the case of birds, or the exoskeleton in the case of insects. Ec[000000]f[16]LBmonoeciousB Having both male and female sex organs in one individual. Ec[000000]f[16]LBmonogamousB Keeping one mate only. Ec[000000]f[16]LBmorphologicallyB In regard to the biological form or shape of an organism. Ec[000000]f[16]LBmorphologyB Biological form and structure. Ec[000000]f[16]LBmottledB Spotted or blotchy. Ec[000000]f[16]LBmutationB A change in the structure of the genetic material. Ec[000000]f[16]LBnematocystB A stinging cell. Ec[000000]f[16]LBnematodeB An unsegmented worm. Ec[000000]f[16]LBneuronB A specialized nerve cell. Ec[000000]f[16]LBneurosecretoryB Pertaining to the secretions of the nerve cells. Ec[000000]f[16]LBnictitating membraneB A thin, protective membrane located under the eyelid. Ec[000000]f[16]LBnocturnalB Pertaining to night. Ec[000000]f[16]LBnomadB A wanderer; having no single homesite. Ec[000000]f[16]LBnomenclatureB A name or designation. Ec[000000]f[16]LBnonmotileB Fixed, unable to move about. Ec[000000]f[16]LBnotochordB A primitive spinal nerve chord. Ec[000000]f[16]LBnucleoliB Round bodies found in the nucleus, consisting mainly of RNA. Ec[000000]f[16]LBnucleusB An organelle essential to the life functions of a cell. Ec[000000]f[16]LBolfactoryB Pertaining to the sense of smell. Ec[000000]f[16]LBoligochaeteB A hermaphroditic terrestrial or aquatic annelid lacking a specialized head. Ec[000000]f[16]LBomnivorousB Able to eat both plants and animals. Ec[000000]f[16]LBopportunisticB Taking advantage of what comes along. Ec[000000]f[16]LBopposableB Pertains to digits that are capable of being placed against other digits. Ec[000000]f[16]LBorganelleB A cellular inclusion with a specialized function. Ec[000000]f[16]LBorganismB Anything capable of life. Ec[000000]f[16]LBostracodermB A group of Paleozoic Agnatha having an exoskeleton. Ec[000000]f[16]LBovariesB Female reproductive glands containing ova. Ec[000000]f[16]LBpampasB South American grasslands. Ec[000000]f[16]LBpapillaB The beginning of a feather. Ec[000000]f[16]LBparasiticB Deriving one's nourishment from another species, usually while causing it some harm. Ec[000000]f[16]LBparazoanB A multicellular animal with no tissue organization. Ec[000000]f[16]LBpasserinesB Typically, the songbirds. Ec[000000]f[16]LBpelagicB Pertaining to the middle and surface levels of a sea or ocean. Ec[000000]f[16]LBpellicleB A filmy, protective covering. Ec[000000]f[16]LBpenchantB Inclination. Ec[000000]f[16]LBpericardialB Surrounding the heart. Ec[000000]f[16]LBperiostracumB The external layer of a seashell. Ec[000000]f[16]LBperipheralB Near the circumference; external. Ec[000000]f[16]LBpesticideB A substance intended to kill unwanted insects. Ec[000000]f[16]LBphasianidB Pheasants, quail, partridges, and other fowl. Ec[000000]f[16]LBphotoreceptorB An organ sensitive to light. Ec[000000]f[16]LBphotosynthesisB The manufacture of carbohydrates by plants. Ec[000000]f[16]LBphylaB Large taxonomic divisions. Ec[000000]f[16]LBphylogeneticB Pertaining to evolution. Ec[000000]f[16]LBphysiologyB The function and activity of an organism. Ec[000000]f[16]LBpiedB Patchy or spotty in color. Ec[000000]f[16]LBpigmentationB Coloring matter in an organism. Ec[000000]f[16]LBpituitaryB The master endocrine gland affecting most life functions. Ec[000000]f[16]LBplacodermB Jawed, primitive fish with dermal plates on the head and thorax. Ec[000000]f[16]LBplasmaB The liquid part of various body fluids. Ec[000000]f[16]LBpleuralB Pertaining to the membrane lining the thorax. Ec[000000]f[16]LBplumageB A bird's feathers. Ec[000000]f[16]LBpolychaeteB A bristleworm. Ec[000000]f[16]LBpolygamousB Having more than one mate. Ec[000000]f[16]LBpostanalB Situated behind the anus. Ec[000000]f[16]LBprecipitousB Very steep; clifflike. Ec[000000]f[16]LBprecocialB Designating newly hatched chicks that are well formed and independent. Ec[000000]f[16]LBprecursorB One that precedes. Ec[000000]f[16]LBpredatorB An animal that hunts and kills other animals for food. Ec[000000]f[16]LBpredominateB Having advantage in number. Ec[000000]f[16]LBpreenB To groom one's feathers. Ec[000000]f[16]LBproboscisB Any elongated, tubular process. Ec[000000]f[16]LBprocurementB The act of gaining possession of something. Ec[000000]f[16]LBprokaryoticB Not having a distinct cellular nucleus. Ec[000000]f[16]LBproliferationB Rapid production, especially of offspring. Ec[000000]f[16]LBpropulsionB The action of moving forward. Ec[000000]f[16]LBpropulsiveB Pertaining to the action of moving forward; tending to produce forward motion. Ec[000000]f[16]LBprotochordateB An animal having gill slits, a notochord, a central nervous system, and a postanal tail. Ec[000000]f[16]LBprotonephridiaB An excretory structure with a flame cell. Ec[000000]f[16]LBprotostomeB Having a true coelom, with the blastopore forming a mouth or a mouth and anus. Ec[000000]f[16]LBprotozoanB A single-celled animal. Ec[000000]f[16]LBprotuberanceB That which thrusts out from a surface. Ec[000000]f[16]LBpseudopodB A footlike process. Ec[000000]f[16]LBpseudopodiaB Footlike processes. Ec[000000]f[16]LBpulverizeB To reduce to small particles by smashing or grinding. Ec[000000]f[16]LBputridB Rotten or foul. Ec[000000]f[16]LBradial symmetryB A physical configuration in which body parts are arranged around a central axis. Ec[000000]f[16]LBradiateB Displaying radial symmetry. Ec[000000]f[16]LBraptorB A bird of prey. Ec[000000]f[16]LBreforestationB The renewal of forests by planting or seeding. Ec[000000]f[16]LBrefractoryB Having the ability to break up or deflect light rays. Ec[000000]f[16]LBregurgitateB To disgorge undigested food. Ec[000000]f[16]LBreincarnationB Rebirth in a new form. Ec[000000]f[16]LBresidueB A remnant or remainder. Ec[000000]f[16]LBretractileB Able to be drawn inwards. Ec[000000]f[16]LBritualizedB Having an established form or pattern. Ec[000000]f[16]LBrodB A retinal receptor responsive to faint light. Ec[000000]f[16]LBrotiferB An aquatic, microscopic animal whose anterior end forms a retractile disk. Ec[000000]f[16]LBrudimentaryB Imperfectly developed. Ec[000000]f[16]LBsaprophyticB A plant that feeds on dead and decaying matter. Ec[000000]f[16]LBsaprozoicB Living off dead and decaying animal matter. Ec[000000]f[16]LBscavengerB An animal that feeds on refuse or carrion. Ec[000000]f[16]LBsecondary plumesB Feathers of the second segment of a bird's wing. Ec[000000]f[16]LBsecreteB To form and give off. Ec[000000]f[16]LBsecretionB A substance produced and given off by a gland. Ec[000000]f[16]LBsedentaryB Not mobile or ambulatory. Ec[000000]f[16]LBsemipermeableB Designating a membrane or other tissue that allows free passage selectively. Ec[000000]f[16]LBserrationB A form resembling the toothed edge of a saw. Ec[000000]f[16]LBsessileB Fixed; attached at the base; not free-living. Ec[000000]f[16]LBsexual dimorphismB Differentiation between two sexes of the same species. Ec[000000]f[16]LBsiliceousB Pertaining to silica. Ec[000000]f[16]LBsloughB To cast off or shed. Ec[000000]f[16]LBsomiteB One of a series of segments into which many animals, especially worms, may be divided. Ec[000000]f[16]LBspatB The young of a bivalve mollusc. Ec[000000]f[16]LBspecializeB To change in adaptation to a particular condition or need. Ec[000000]f[16]LBspeciationB Differentiation; the process of forming a separate species. Ec[000000]f[16]LBspectrumB A continuous sequence of related qualities. Ec[000000]f[16]LBstaticB Remaining unchanged. Ec[000000]f[16]LBstatocystB A sensory vesicle involved in the perception of gravity. Ec[000000]f[16]LBsternumB Breastbone. Ec[000000]f[16]LBstimuliB Agents that cause a response in an organism. Ec[000000]f[16]LBsubarcticB The region immediately surrounding the Arctic Circle. Ec[000000]f[16]LBsubcutaneousB Located beneath the skin. Ec[000000]f[16]LBsubstrateB A base to which an animal or plant attaches. Ec[000000]f[16]LBsuperficialB Obvious or readily apparent. Ec[000000]f[16]LBsyntheticB Pertaining to the production of new materials. Ec[000000]f[16]LBtalonB The claw of a bird of prey. Ec[000000]f[16]LBtaxaB Categories. Ec[000000]f[16]LBtaxonomistB One who classifies plants and animals. Ec[000000]f[16]LBtemperateB Having a moderate climate. Ec[000000]f[16]LBterrestrialB Pertaining to or living on dry land. Ec[000000]f[16]LBterritorialB Relating to one's homesite or homeland. Ec[000000]f[16]LBtestesB The male reproductive glands. Ec[000000]f[16]LBthecodontB A triassic reptile presumed to be the ancestor of dinosaurs, birds, and crocodiles. Ec[000000]f[16]LBthermalsB Currents of warm, rising air. Ec[000000]f[16]LBthermoreceptorB A cell or organ sensitive to changes in temperature. Ec[000000]f[16]LBthoraxB The part of the body between the neck and abdomen. Ec[000000]f[16]LBtimberlineB The altitude above which trees will not grow. Ec[000000]f[16]LBtracheaB An air passageway to the lungs. Ec[000000]f[16]LBtrinomialB Having three names. Ec[000000]f[16]LBtrochophoreB A free-swimming larva with a preoral whorl of cilia. Ec[000000]f[16]LBtundraB A treeless plain found in Arctic and subarctic regions. Ec[000000]f[16]LBtunicateB Having a tunic or test. Ec[000000]f[16]LBtypologicB Relating to classifications based on type. Ec[000000]f[16]LBunambiguousB Precise; easily discernible. Ec[000000]f[16]LBundulationB A wavelike rising and falling. Ec[000000]f[16]LBunicelledB Having one cell. Ec[000000]f[16]LBureterB A duct that carries urine from the kidney. Ec[000000]f[16]LBvacuoleB A space in a cell's cytoplasm containing air, water, or other material. Ec[000000]f[16]LBvascularizedB Having blood vessels. Ec[000000]f[16]LBveligerB Second-stage larva with a head bearing a veil-like structure. Ec[000000]f[16]LBventralB On or pertaining to the abdominal surface. Ec[000000]f[16]LBvesicleB A bladderlike air space in tissue. Ec[000000]f[16]LBvestigialB Degenerate or imperfectly developed. Ec[000000]f[16]LBvisceraB Internal organs. Ec[000000]f[16]LBvocalizationB Sound produced with the voice. Ec[000000]f[16]LBwarmbloodedB Able to regulate one's body temperature internally; homoiothermic. Ec[000000]f[16]LBwattleB A fold of skin hanging from the neck. Ec[000000]f[16]LBwoodboringB Digging into wood, especially in search of food. Ec[000000]f[16]LBzoologyB The study of animal life. Ec[000000]f[16]LBzygoteB A cell formed by the union of two gametes.